We have a range of programmes for 12-25 year old young women across Aotearoa. Shift is a safe space for queer/rainbow folk - non-binary and gender-fluid people who feel they would benefit from women-centred spaces are always welcome. Whatever words you use to describe your journey to womanhood - you are awesome and you are welcome!
A nationwide programme for 19-25 year old young women that develops female leadership within the context of physical activity and wellbeing
An enterprise programme for young women aged 15-24 in Te Whanaganui-a-Tara which teaches them about wellbeing, social entrepreneurship, Māori led initiatives, human centred design and design led thinking
A kaupapa Māori programme which connects with kōhine Māori to improve their wellbeing, cultural awareness and confidence using Māori health models such as Te Whare Tapa Wha and Māori traditional games